Tags > TED Open Translation Project

Stories for "TED Open Translation Project"

Interesting: The languages Google Translate doesn’t translate yet

Interesting: The languages Google Translate doesn’t translate yet


From the Atlantic, this fascinating essay on Google Translate at an interesting point in its growth: Last week Google Translate announced that it now has more than 200 million monthly users. As Alexis Madrigal noted, this means that Google is now translating as much in a day as all professional human translators combined complete in []

TEDYouth livestreaming in Spanish!


Tomorrow TEDYouth, as part of the global TEDxYouthDay, will be live-streamed from New York. As part of the event all the talks will be interpreted into Spanish in real time. To view the event in Spanish, go to the TEDxYouthDay website from 1-5pm Eastern time and click on the “TEDYouth (Español)” stream, which will be on the right []

TEDTalks: Now on Dailymotion


We’re thrilled to announce that TEDTalks are now available on Dailymotion — one of Europe’s most popular video sites — with subtitles in English, French, Spanish, German, Turkish, Vietnamese, Japanese and Chinese where available. Dailymotion’s TED channel features curated playlists of great talks on music, news & politics, medical wonders … and a special playlist []