Tags > TEDWeekends

Stories for "TEDWeekends"

TED Weekends imagines a crowdsourced future

TED Weekends imagines a crowdsourced future


Most choirs require their members to have a great voice, enjoy wearing a robe and be available for rehearsals in the same location. This is not the case for composer Eric Whitacre. In his classic talk from TED2011, Whitacre explains how he came to lead a chorus of more than 2,000 singers located all around []

TED Weekends explores how our minds shape reality

TED Weekends explores how our minds shape reality


Green. Blue. Red. Grey. Few of us give much thought to the way we see color. But in a classic talk given at TEDGlobal 2009, Beau Lotto shows how the colors we see do not necessarily line up with what is actually there. Lotto uses color as an illustration of how our perception is tinted []

TEDWeekends explores shades of deception

TEDWeekends explores shades of deception


Dishonesty. Fibbing. Telling an untruth. Purposeful distortion. Misleading. Gilding the lily. Deception. These are all synonyms for the same thing: lying. In her classic talk from TEDGlobal 2011, “How to Spot a Liar,” Pamela Meyer outlines what she believes to be an epidemic and gives practical tips for how anyone can tell when someone is []