Tags > TEDYouth 2013

Stories for "TEDYouth 2013"

Songs, poems, a miniature TED: Some incredible TEDYouth applications


TEDYouth “The Spark” is about to ignite. The annual conference for middle and high school students will take place this Saturday in New Orleans, with 400 teens from across the region gathering to listen to talks from scientists, designers, technologists, explorers, artists and performers — some of them adults and some of them peers. The []

Youth of New Orleans: TED wants you!

Youth of New Orleans: TED wants you!


This year’s annual TEDYouth event, themed “The Spark,” is moving south. On Saturday, November 16, we’ll bring together 400 middle and high school students at the Civic Theatre in New Orleans, Louisiana. Attendance is free, so if this sounds like something you’d be up for, you should apply to come join us » At the conference, []