In the past week, we’ve noticed some fascinating TED-related news. Here, some highlights.
Bryan Stevenson (watch his talk from TED2012) is asking the state of Florida to reconsider its case against 14-year-old Tremaine McMillan. On May 27, McMillan was wrestled to the ground and put in a chokehold by a Miami-Dade police officer who felt McMillan had given him a “dehumanizing stare.” The incident was caught on video by a camera phone. “We’re going to criminalize this child by assigning him the ability to be ‘dehumanizing.’ We’re going to characterize his body language as menacing,” says Stevenson in this video. has picked “7 TED Talks to Inspire Greatness.” At the top of the list: Dan Gilbert (watch his talk) and Rory Sutherland (watch his talk). On a similar note, Mashable has rounded up “15 TED Talks That Will Change Your Life,” which included the talk from the wonderful Rita Pierson (watch her talk).
Lesley Perkes (read about her talk from TED2013 and watch her Worldwide Talent Search audition) has written one of the most moving end-of-life stories we’ve ever read, about making the decision to put a loved one on life support without realizing that was the decision she was making. She writes of her coded discussion with the doctor, “He never says if he cannot breathe on his own, do you want us to provide a way for him to breathe or do you want to let him go?”
Transparency International has released its new Global Corruption Barometer. The largest survey ever conducted by the watchdog group, founded by Peter Eigen (watch his TED Talk), the barometer asked 114,000 people in 107 countries their opinions on which institutions are the most corrupt. The findings are fascinating. And a related talk to watch: Charmian Gooch’s “Meet global corruption’s hidden players.”
Success Magazine’s recent profile of TED quotes Chris Anderson on why he took over the organization in 2001. “I will never forget how those TED speakers showed such off-the-charts love for a particular subject,” says Anderson of his first TED in 1998. “And the audience shared the same passion. It got my heart beating faster. I just fell in love with it. I felt like I had come home.”
Meanwhile, Resource Nation has pulled together the “Top TED Talks for Entrepreneurs.” Enjoy.