TED Blog

TED2007: Icons. Geniuses. Mavericks.

This evening we unveiled the theme for next year’s TED, and we’re viewing it internally as our most ambitious so far.

The past few TEDs have each had a broad content theme:"The Pursuit of Happiness", "Inspired by Nature", "The Future We Will Create."

TED2007 will be different. Instead of a subject-matter theme, we are simply going to put on stage FIFTY REMARKABLE PEOPLE… …and let them share whatever it is they are passionate about.

This, of course, is what TED has always been about. Bring together extraordinary people from every area of thought, work and culture, and lo and behold, astonishing connections are made, excitement and inspiration follow.

You can read more about the vision here…  and we just opened Main Hall registration (which I guess is likely to sell out within a month based on what happened last year).

The line-up coming together is awesome, but not yet complete. If you have access to someone who fits at least two of the theme’s labels, please email kelly@ted.com. (Er, offering to channel dead people doesn’t count.) Everyone whose suggestion is accepted becomes an official TED Hero…

TED2007 will be in Monterey from March 7-10, 2007 and costs $4400, same as this year.