TED Blog

TEDGlobal Premiere: Four talks from "Africa: The Next Chapter"

Today we premiere the first online talks from this summer’s extraordinary TEDGlobal: “Africa: The Next Chapter.” The talks from the conference have been buzzed about around the blogosphere, and we’re thrilled now to offer them as they happened. Whether or not you were with us in Arusha, you will want to check these out … and then join the exhilarating conversation taking place about Africa’s brighter future.

Four talks to kick things off.

Euvin Nadoo set the scene on day one, describing a continent poised to light up.

George Ayittey roused the audience alternating from lacerating criticism of Africa’s “hippo generation” to inspiring appeal for the “cheetah generation” to arise.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the final speaker of the four days, provided a tour-de-force, telling powerful personal stories and showing how the different pieces of the aid vs trade argument, which had animated the conference all week, could be reconciled.

And 19-year-old William Kamkwamba won a standing ovation for his shy 3-minute interview, revealing how as a 14-year-old he solved his parents’ energy needs in a village which had no electricity.

Over the coming months we’ll continue to release ever more of these talks. These just represent the tip of the iceberg.

Chris Anderson, TED Curator
Emeka Okafor, Conference Director, TEDGlobal