TED Blog

TEDTalks embed swap: updates and tips

To recap: If you’ve embedded a TEDTalk in the past on your own site or blog, you will need to get a new embed code from TED. Our former embed host has left the business, and we unfortunately have to ask everyone to migrate to our new host, which means pulling replacement code. On the positive side, for this switch, we wrote a really cool new embeddable player (and a brand-new player on the site too).

On your blog or site, you may have noticed a message in the embed player window: “Click here to view this video on TED.com. (Webmaster: Click through to embed our new player in your site)” Clicking through the embed window will take you to the individual Talk page for the video, where you can find and copy the new embed code.

You can find the new embed code by clicking on the Share button, circled in green on the image above.

+ If you changed over your embed codes on Jan. 1, you may still be getting an error message when you click the Play button. We fixed a video bug on Jan. 2 — please try copying the embed code again from the TED.com site.
+ If your new embed window shows a photo of the TED audience instead of the speaker photo, let me know via contact@ted.com, and title your email “embed code.”
+ In general, if the new embedded video returns an error message when you click the Play button, let me know via contact@ted.com>, and title your email “embed code.”
+ To find all the outdated code via your blog management tool, search for entries containing the term “videoegg” — please note you’ll need to replace each embed code separately.
+ If you use Windows Live Spaces, you may not have the ability to click through the old embed window to reach the Talk page (and thanks very much to Geoff for troubleshooting). It’s just the way they process embed codes, sigh. Anyone who’s had trouble or success with Windows Live Spaces, drop me a note at contact@ted.com, and title your email “embed code.”
+ Thanks to everyone for their patience as we make this swap. We appreciate that this is a big thing to ask our community to do. Thanks, too, to everyone who has written in to report an issue — your feedback is incredibly important and welcome.