TED Blog

TEDx organizers tackle the Gulf oil spill

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico may already be the worst environmental disaster the United States has ever faced — and with the severed riser pipe at the ocean floor still gushing tens of thousands of barrels of oil a day, it’s undoubtedly one whose effects will carry forward for many years to come.

It’s agonizing to watch from the sidelines as the crisis plays out. Organizations close to the situation point to the many opportunities to help, but urgent questions still hang in the air: What will the long-term consequences to marine life be? How will coastal communities weather the economic impact? Until practical energy alternatives to oil are developed, how can we improve our technology to prevent future disasters like this?

On June 28, the global TEDx community will try to find solutions. All around the world, TEDsters will participate in day-long events aimed at addressing the crisis. Centered around the free, live webcast of TEDxOilSpill in Washington, DC (9am-6pm EST), these satellite events will feature discussions on mitigating the effects of the spill, seeking energy alternatives to oil, and improving global policy to prevent mistakes and lay the foundation for a more stable future.

TEDxOilSpill’s speaker lineup will feature TEDsters such as Sylvia Earle, Philippe Cousteau and David Gallo, and the program will highlight exclusive images produced by a team of videographers and photographers on the scene now uncovering hidden issues faced by residents, relief workers and wildlife in the Gulf.

(TEDxOilSpill is partnering with several organizations, including the World Wildlife Fund, National Geographic, National Public Radio, the United States Departments of State and Energy, Mission Blue, TED and others.)

Get involved with TEDxOilSpill

Host (or attend) an event in your community

Individuals all around the world are organizing viewing events centered around the TEDxOilSpill live stream. A listing of all public events is available at Meetup.com/TEDxOilSpill. Join an event — or create your own.

Attend TEDxOilSpill in Washington, DC

TEDxOilSpill will be held on June 28, 2010 at the International Trade Center Amphitheater in Washington, DC, from 9am-6pm EST. Register now >>

Event details are here. Total seating is limited to 500 individuals — if you’d like to attend, don’t wait!

Watch the live stream

A live webcast of TEDxOilSpill will be made available, for free, to viewers all around the world who have access to a broadband Internet connection. The stream begins at 9am EST on June 28th. Share with family, friends, co-workers — and don’t forget to join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook.

Follow the TEDxOilSpill expedition to the Gulf

TED’s conference photographer James Duncan Davidson is traveling to the Gulf of Mexico with a team of photographers and videographers to document what’s going on off- and on-shore. (He’ll bring the images and stories to TEDxOilSpill.) Look for updates about the expedition on the TED Blog — and on Duncan’s blog — in the next days.

Join the conversation / Spread the word

For more information, email tedxoilspill@tedxmidatlantic.com and visit TEDxOilSpill.com.

Register to attend the event in DC >>