TED Blog

The 30th birthday of TED: Richard Saul Wurman at TED2014

(L-R) Richard Saul Wurman and Chris Anderson. Photo: James Duncan Davidson

TED was co-founded, in 1984, by Richard Saul Wurman and partner Harry Marks. As part of the 30th-year anniversary, Chris Anderson welcomed Wurman up onto the stage to recognize that achievement.

“How does it feel to see your baby reach 30?” asked Anderson.

(L-R) Richard Saul Wurman and Chris Anderson. Photo: James Duncan Davidson

Wurman said, “Well, I have 3 minutes. I thought about being clever. I thought about doing nothing.” Then he asked for the house lights up, and asked to see the hands of people who came to one of his TEDs, 1984-2002. Many were, and many more were not. “The TED dinner party has turned into a global phenom, a banquet for the whole world.” And he added, “In spite of doing other things, it will be in my obit.”

Anderson sums it up. “Richard, you are a deeply curious and deeply impatient man … And that somehow made this format work, a format perfectly suited for the YouTube age.”