TED Blog

Twitter Snapshot: Josh Silver’s global vision for vision

Josh Silver shared his ambition to supply the billion people worldwide in need of glasses with his innovative, low-cost adjustable lenses by 2020. On stage, Silver demonstrated the effectiveness of his glasses and also provided insight into the economic and educational repercussions on impoverished populations that result from the dearth of vision correction options. The gravity of Silver’s talk certainly resonated with the audience on Twitter:

Josh Silver asks: if u had no access 2 eyewear, would u b at TED today? Half the world’s people need corrective eyewear. — uthannharnisch

Josh Silver: “Over one billion people would see their world change if they had glasses.”brainpicker

Poor eyesight = an education problem and an economic problem, not just a health problem (Joshua Silver) — iamhelenharrop

Josh Silver, 60% of people need corrective eyewear = 1 billion people in need of glasses and don’t have them!liaonet