TED Blog

Twitter Snapshot: Taryn Simon shows the hidden and unfamiliar

Photographer Taryn Simon goes to places few people ever get to see. She’s photographed everything from a white tiger breeding facility to abortion clinics. Her shocking talk astounded the crowd on Twitter:

Taryn Simon’s talk is dense with details on the background of her photos. The context is the story. Eclectic.bwdumars

Incestuous white tigers? This is just getting more and more interesting… — TarikF

Simon: Her photographs reveal truth that might be uncomfortable for some … — ruthannharnisch

Taryn Simon just rocked my worldkn0thing

I deeply thank Taryn Simon for her courage and information through her thoughtful photographyIdit

If you’re watching the live stream, make sure you’re tweeting on the #TED hashtag and joining the discussion.