Minutes ago, religious scholar Karen Armstrong, winner of a 2008 TED Prize, spoke about her wish, The Charter for Compassion, to the audience at TEDGlobal 2009. The Charter aims to bring the golden rule back into a global focus. Currently, religious leaders of many faiths are working together in crafting this document for peace, which launches in September here on TED. The crowd documenting the conference over on Twitter appeared very supportive of Armstrong and her wish.
About to hear Karen Armstrong’s talk. She is why I came today. Love her work. — Olasofia
Armstrong is great – she’s speaking about how the media affect peoples perceptions of others, especially the youth. Too darn right! — v_voicebox
Armstrong wants to do 2 things: Educate and stimulate compassionate thinking. An idea worth spreading! — brainpicker
Karen Armstrong is my hero, a model of truth and love. Can you help her TED Prize wish come true? armstrong@ted.com — ruthannharnisch
Karen Armstrong: People want to be “right” rather than “compassionate”. Sadly I couldn’t agree more… — pragzter
Karen Armstrong’s Charter of Compassion – I’m thinking that I might prefer it to a Pledge of Allegiance. — ruthannharnisch
For more on Karen Armstrong, here’s her previous TEDTalk. Also, remember to keep sending your responses to @TEDGlobal.
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