TED Blog

Twitter Snapshot: Magnus Larsson has a wall to build

Magnus Larsson is an architect with a blueprint to build a wall across Africa. A wall made with bacillus pasteurii (microorganisms that create sandstone) to help provide shelter for individuals and curb the destruction of sandstorms. Support for this project was widespread from TEDsters on Twitter:

Magnus Larsson wants to build a sand wall across Africa – extraordinary practical imaginationsfbassociates

Architect Larson takes our childhood fantasies (and expertise) of building sand castles — into reality at the Sahara Desert! — Idit

Today’s speakers are hammering home the theme that humanity has created massive problems that require creative solutions & CHANGE. — ruthannharnisch

Larsson – hope you get a TED Wish for your efforts in building the sand structure using bacteria. — rom

I’m developing an even greater respect for architects. They are id’ing the massive problems AND creative solutions. — Alli7on

Photo: Magnus Larsson at TEDGlobal 2009, Session 11: “Cities past and future,” July 24, 2009, in Oxford, UK. Credit: TED / James Duncan Davidson