On Saturday, May 10, 2008 -– Pangea Day -– join the world for four hours of amazing short films, visionary speakers and great music.
Pangea Day is a celebration of the power of film to unite us all. You’ll see films that are funny — sad — gorgeous — stark — powerful. Voices that have never been heard before. Things you’ve never seen. Scenes from worlds you’ve never been to. A cross-section of our amazing, complicated, noisy, beautiful world.
And once you’ve lived inside so many other heads, we hope, you’ll be moved to act. To become involved in a pressing issue — to share your own video or photos — to join a discussion that might move the world a bit further toward understanding.
Find out how to watch Pangea Day — on TV, at a local party, in a digital cinema or online. You can even keep track of the day on your mobile phone.
Host a Friends of Pangea Day party: More than 1,000 locally planned events — in homes, theaters, clubs and parks — will screen Pangea Day. Check our Google Map to find a party near you or to sign up to host one.