TED Blog

Video: Opening titles for Tech Impact, Session 11 of TEDGlobal 2013

Eero Johannes Pitkänen introduces session 11 of TEDGlobal 2013 with a perfect synthesis of visual and sound effects. To a tinny metal drum-beat, colored Tetris blocks bounce up and down and in and out of shapes as each chord of sound has its impact.

Describing himself as a “designer/illustrator during the day, musician during the night,” Pitkänen has created a “puzzle-like motif…inspired by today’s 3D printing” to open a session that featured talks from an education innovator, an electromusicien and the inventor of Raspberry Pi.

Director: Eero Johannes Pitkänen
Collaborators: Pekka
Adobe Illustrator CS5
Adobe Flash Professional CS5
Adobe After Effects CS5