TED Blog

Watch TEDTalks on the Rock the Vote Road Trip '08 bus

The Rock the Vote bus kicks off Road Trip ’08 today in Nashville, Tennessee — launching a month-long, nonpartisan road trip to register voters and get out the vote before the U.S. presidential elections in November.

If the Rock the Vote bus stops in your town, come by and check out the playlist of TEDTalks in rotation on the big screen inside. This election is all about big ideas, so we’ve chosen a playlist of talks on the environment, poverty, education and other big issues — and some talks about the political process itself. In, on and around the bus, you can register to vote and learn more about political groups in your town. (And yes, you might see a celebrity or a band you love.)

The Rock the Vote website has lots of resources for voters and soon-to-be-voters in the U.S. — including a place to register to vote online, a list of voter-registration deadlines by state, and a tool to help students figure out if they can cast an absentee ballot.