TED Blog

Welcome guest blogger: Russell Davies

Today we add another voice to the TEDBlog: TEDster Russell Davies, who begins his TEDBlogging career with a post incorporating not one, but two past TED speakers (Edward Tufte and Hans Rosling), linking them to not one but two current events (Tufte’s new book, Rosling’s TEDTalk). Impressive. We’re great fans of Russell’s own blog, russelldavies.com, which mixes morsels of media wisdom with his own spin on life. Pay particular attention to his take on advertising and account planning… While at Wieden + Kennedy/London, Russell helped create the brilliant Honda ads (Choir, Impossible Dream, Hate Something) we’ve shown at TED and highlighted here. He spent the last year helping Nike with brand strategy and consumer research, before turning his attention to freelancing, writing and spending more time with his blogs (including these charmers: eggbaconchipsandbeans.com and a good place for a cup of tea and a think). We’re thrilled to have you, Russell. Welcome!