
Who's blogging TED2008 and TED@Aspen?

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Here’s the list so far — and if you’re blogging your impressions of TED2008 or TED@Aspen, photoblogging, Twittering, … drop an email to contact (at) ted.com and we’ll add you to the list:

+ The mighty Ethan Zuckerman live-blogged every sessions of TED2008 in Monterey at … My Heart’s in Accra.
+ TED’s European Director, Bruno Giussani, live-blogged here on the TED Blog and on his own blog, LunchOverIP (and look for his digests on the Huffington Post)

+ Nikhil Bhojwani is distilling each TED speaker into one line at Ted Talks in One Line
+ TED’s Music Director, Thomas Dolby, blogged about the day’s music on ThomasDolby.com
+ Don of FifthCulture has a group TED blog called Kings of Simulcast — check out the groovy poster.
+ Mitch Joel is blogging and Twittering
+ Eman’s Views is blogging from TED@Aspen, with photos
+ Tom Guarriello is posting video commentary
+ Jordan Ayan’s Marketing with Technology and More will focus on TED for the next four days
+ Harald Fegner will be “not live-blogging but constantly-blogging and twittering TED from my Europe perspective” at Red Fez
+ Howard Wright is musing from TED@Aspen
+ Jim Stolze is writing from TED@Aspen in Dutch, Twittering (and guest-posting here)
+ Tim Girvin (he designed this month’s “Free!” Wired cover) is blogging on design from TED@Aspen
+ Tara Whittle is blogging and Twittering from TED@Aspen
+ Joseph Riggio at BlogNostra is writing from TED@Aspen
+ Jack Abbott writes LIveFromAspen
+ Lew Moorman from Rackspace is blogging at TED@Aspen
+ Phil Gilbert is musing on business practice through the TED@Aspen lens at Perspectives in Process
+ Tara Hunt is tweeting
+ James Grant writes on design and process from TED@Aspen
+ M.A. from L.A. is teaching meditative breathing at TED@Aspen and blogging at SpaceSuitYoga
+ Robb Smith blogs from TED@Aspen at Integral Life
+ Sarah Heal blogs at Desire Lines
+ John La Grou blogs from TED@Aspen at Microlesia — look for his interesting analysis of TED attendees by religion
+ Lib Gibson is blogging post-TED
+ Follow TED on Twitter here >>
+ Conde Nast Portfolio’s Spottings blog has frequent updates
+ Mark Frauenfelder at BoingBoing did a bit of live-blogging
+ Sherry Strong (inventor of the Al Gore Rhythm) blogs from Monterey
+ Alan Saracevic is blogging from Monterey for the SF Chronicle‘s Tech Chronicles.
+ Christopher Herot Twitters and blogs

More blogs
Josh Spear
Megabyte Mike
Michael Parekh
Steve Gundrum’s Noteworthy
Michael Cerda at Cerdafied
Bernard Moon at Silicon Moon

— Research by Dan Schermele and Matthew Trost