TED Blog

Young Guru remixes the sweet sounds of TEDYouth

Young Guru, best known for producing Jay-Z’s albums, may be on tour in Europe. But he couldn’t resist the opportunity to remix the teenage singers, MCs and thinkers who contributed their vocals at TEDYouth. At the event on November 17, World Up — a non-profit dedicated to making the world smaller through hip hop, technology and education — set up their Living Remix Project and recorded dozens of teenagers sharing how TEDYouth inspired them through harmonies, rhymes and beats. Here, Young Guru’s remix of this amazing material, starting with his own talk from session 1 of the event.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/69143453″ iframe=”true” /]

And here is a longer version of the track, spun together by World Up’s Interactive Music Director, Spazecraft, on the spot during session 2.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/69142427″ iframe=”true” /]