
In Short: A cookbook to benefit Hurricane Sandy victims, the BBC covers TEDxSanaa

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Enjoy a sampling of the stories from around the internet that captured our interest this week:

  • The gorgeous digital cookbook above, All Hands on Deck, contains innovative recipes from restaurants in Red Hook, a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, that was flooded during Hurricane Sandy. Proceeds will go to the recovery effort. []
  • Check out this incredible piece on TEDxSanaa, the first TED event in Yemen’s capital, which included talks from a futurist as well as from a champion camel jumper. The article reads, “The country has become known for drone strikes against Al Qaeda suspects and for the 2011 protests — inspired by the Arab Spring uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt — that led to the overthrow of its leader … It was against this backdrop that the TEDxSanaa team opened its all day event on the last day of 2012, with the theme of ‘inspiring hope.’” []
  • A fascinating, and disturbing thought—is post-traumatic stress disorder contagious? [Mother Jones]
  • TED2013 speaker Amanda Palmer wrote a blog piece titled, “How the Hell am I Going to Deliver this TED Talk? Help.” []
  • Lesley Perkes, also speaking at TED2013, took to her blog to post “TED was in my Dream,” complete with hilarious photos. []
  • Question: Can you describe a highly complicated topic using just the thousand words used most frequently in English? Try it. [The Up-Goer Five Text Editor]
  • San Jose State University announced a deal this week with the online college course service, Udacity, to offer for-credit classes. It’s a big step for MOOCs. [NY Times] Several TED speakers have given talks about online education this year: Peter Norvig described his 100,000 student classroom, Daphne Koller showed how Coursera is collecting data, and Shimon Schocken explained his self-organizing computer course.
  • The magazine Maui Time featured TEDx on its cover. []
  • Read up on monkeys who used trees as a catapult to escape a primate research center in Japan.  [The Courier Mail]
  • A fascinating proposal for a new kind of academic journal. [Gowers]
  • Jay Silver, a three time TEDx speaker, had his project included in Kickstarter’s fascinating Best of 2012 collection. Called the MaKey MaKey, it’s a device that allows you to make a banana piano or a play-doh video game controller, or a paper keyboard. The project raised $568,106 — $543,106 over its $25,000 goal. []
  • Speaking of Star Wars, over the past two months, nearly 35,000 people signed a petition for the United States government to “Begin construction of a Death Star by 2016” under the guise that it would create jobs. The White House responded, showing an incredible sense of humor. [White]
  • TED’s own Ben Lillie has launched a Kickstarter project. Called Science Studio, it’ll bring you the best science reporting out there in a myriad of forms. []
  • Here, a look at 10 conversations that led to collaborative innovations that changed our world. [Fast Company]