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Disrupt!: The speakers in Session 4 at TED2013

From all the breathless hype that surrounds the topic, you’d be forgiven for thinking that disruptive innovation was a common force throughout the world. Reality proves otherwise. In this session, we brought together a collection of individuals who have some right to the title of disruptor. Their work pushes at the boundaries of what’s expected in fields including automotive, engineering, art, law, music and, well, yo-yo-ing. Here, the speakers who appears in this session. Click their name for a full recap of their talk:

Sanjay Dastoor is co-founder of Boosted Boards, a startup that aims to build the world’s lightest electric vehicles.

Alastair Parvin is one of a team behind WikiHouse, an experiment he describes as being the seed of design’s great project in the 21st century: the democratization of production.

Inventor, scientist, author, engineer — over his broad career, Danny Hillis has turned his ever-searching brain on an array of subjects, with surprising results.

Twice the world yo-yo champion, BLACK mixes dance, sport and performance to create unforgettable yo-yo moments.

Collaborating with brilliant public and performance artists and people in neighborhoods, Lesley Perkes instigates with imagination and public space — to transform entire atmospheres. Just like that. Ha!

In a special surprise in the session, Sergey Brin of Google appeared to talk all about Google Glass — sharing why it was created and what it can do.

Alt-rock icon Amanda Palmer believes digital content should be free, and that artists can and should be directly supported by fans via a “patronage” model.

The U.S. Congress is broken, and law professor and legal activist Larry Lessig wants you to help him fix it. In “Republic, Lost,” he tells you how.