Search Results for: india

How a two-minute tactic from a TED Talk helped Manish Dayal crystallize his character in The Hundred-Foot Journey

Impact of Ideas

How a two-minute tactic from a TED Talk helped Manish Dayal crystallize his character in The Hundred-Foot Journey


In The Hundred-Foot Journey, a young chef named Hassan transcends the kitchen of his family’s boisterous Indian restaurant, charms the icy proprietress of the Michelin-starred French restaurant across the street, and tries his hand at becoming a top chef in Paris. The story unfolds over the course of years, and actor Manish Dayal came up []

A perpetual tourist who makes his own souvenirs: The intriguing work of TED Fellow Jorge Mañes Rubio

Fellows Friday

A perpetual tourist who makes his own souvenirs: The intriguing work of TED Fellow Jorge Mañes Rubio


From China’s underwater cities to Amsterdam’s neglected neighborhoods to Italy’s looted ruins, Jorge Mañes Rubio seeks out forsaken places and makes art that memorializes, reimagines and reengages them with the world. His project “Normal Pool Level” — which emerged from his exploration of the cities, towns and villages submerged by China’s Three Gorges Dam Project []

7 fascinating things I learned at the TEDSalon Berlin


7 fascinating things I learned at the TEDSalon Berlin


Yesterday, nearly every seat of the theatre at the Admiralspalast was filled for the TEDBerlin Salon, the first official TED event in Germany (and, with TEDGlobal’s move to Rio in October, the only one taking place in Europe this year). In two sessions hosted by Bruno Giussani, 15 speakers and performers covered an eclectic array of topics, whizzing from tech-driven social []

Your summer reading list: Rashida Jones, Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill and Melinda Gates and many more share their book recommendations


Your summer reading list: Rashida Jones, Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill and Melinda Gates and many more share their book recommendations


  Summer: the season for cracking open a good book under the shade of a tree. Below, we’ve compiled about 70 stellar book recommendations from members of the TED community. Warning: not all of these books can be classified as beach reads. And we think that is a good thing. Picks from Elizabeth Gilbert, author  []

How the World Cup can make or break Brazil’s hopes for the future: Misha Glenny gives a talk on the country that’ll host TEDGlobal 2014


How the World Cup can make or break Brazil’s hopes for the future: Misha Glenny gives a talk on the country that’ll host TEDGlobal 2014


[youtube=] If you ever find yourself in Brazil, advises Misha Glenny, try to look past the samba, soccer and sea. The journalist, who is currently researching a book on the underground drug trade in Rio de Janeiro, sees a Brazil of challenges, contradictions and opportunities that are far more complex than the celebrations on Ipanema []

The man who plants trees: Shubhendu Sharma is reforesting the world, one patch at a time

Fellows Friday

The man who plants trees: Shubhendu Sharma is reforesting the world, one patch at a time


A forest planted by humans, then left to nature’s own devices, typically takes at least 100 years to mature. But what if we could make the process happen ten times faster? With his company Afforestt, eco-entrepreneur Shubhendu Sharma is creating mini-forest ecosystems using an accelerated method. It’s based on the practices of Japanese forester Akira Miyawaki, []

A year into his School in the Cloud documentary, Jerry Rothwell shares the highs and lows of watching students teach themselves


A year into his School in the Cloud documentary, Jerry Rothwell shares the highs and lows of watching students teach themselves


British director Jerry Rothwell, the winner of the first annual Sundance Institute | TED Prize Filmmaker Award, has spent the past year trailing TED Prize winner Sugata Mitra as he sets up the first locations of the School in the Cloud. Traveling between a remote village in India and a forward-thinking elementary school in the U.K., Rothwell has watched Mitra, a Newcastle University professor, plant the []

Power poses, idea technologies and the Internet’s birthday: A recap of “Where are we now?” All-Stars Session 3 at TED2014

Live from TED

Power poses, idea technologies and the Internet’s birthday: A recap of “Where are we now?” All-Stars Session 3 at TED2014


By Liz Jacobs and Ben Lillie Taking stock of our moment in history helps us better understand ourselves, our societies and the present moment itself  — which often gets lost in the temptation to look backwards or forwards. And at TED2014: The Next Chapter we’re doing plenty of both. But we’re also designating this All-Stars []