Search Results for: india

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Premesh Chandran


Founder of Malaysia’s most popular independent online news source, Premesh Chandran continues to connect and empower citizens despite the personal risks. Join the conversation by answering Fellows’ weekly questions via TED Conversations. This week, Prem  asks: We’re coming up with easy tools to build exciting online maps — what stuff would you like to see []


Learning from a barefoot movement: Bunker Roy on


In Rajasthan, India, an extraordinary school teaches rural women and men — many of them illiterate — to become solar engineers, artisans, dentists and doctors in their own villages. It’s called the Barefoot College, and its founder, Bunker Roy, explains how it works. (Recorded at TEDGlobal 2011, July 2011, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Duration: 19:08.) [ted []

Synthetic bees, prosthetic eyes: Fellows Friday with Anab Jain

TED Fellows

Synthetic bees, prosthetic eyes: Fellows Friday with Anab Jain


Anab Jain’s design studio Superflux envisions a future where the blind are given ultraviolet vision and invasive species are engineered to combat the effects of climate change. She shares her perspective on our not-too-distant future. How would you describe the work that you do at your revolutionary design studio Superflux? We are living in extremely uncertain []

Fellows Friday with Nina Tandon

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Nina Tandon


Using electrical signals to grow cells, TED Fellow Nina Tandon hopes to one day grow whole organs for transplant use. Interactive Fellows Friday Feature: Join the conversation by answering Fellows’ weekly questions via Facebook. This week, Nina asks: If your cells were used to grow an organ in the lab, is it still “your” organ? []

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Daniel Zoughbie


With Microclinic International, Daniel Zoughbie is making health contagious, and believes that it’s critical to peace and stability in the Middle East. Microclinic International has a unique philosophy of “contagious health.” What does that mean? Common sense tells us that negative things like violence, smoking behaviors and unhealthy eating habits are socially contagious: they spread []

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Robert Gupta


LA Philharmonic violinist Robert Gupta performs for the homeless and mentally ill. In this interview, he discusses his experiences with the awesome healing power of music. Interactive Fellows Friday Feature: Join the conversation by answering Fellows’ weekly questions via Facebook. This week, Robert asks: With the advent of amazing online videos, why are we still []


Three amazing women: Meet the Shape What’s to Come ambassadors


The Shape What’s to Come ambassadors, with Lakshmi Pratury from the INK Conference, talk in the journaling space — while behind them, visualization artist Sunni Brown doodles their ideas into shape. Photo: James Duncan Davidson / TED At TEDGlobal this year, we’re meeting three ambassadors of Levi’s Shape What’s to Come campaign — three Indian []

“Creativity is the life force of the universe”: Report from Session 2 of TED University


Nathalie Miebach, TEDGlobal Fellow, artist, speaking at TED University during TEDGlobal 2011, July 12, 2011. Photo: James Duncan Davidson / TED Jeremy Moon, “Anything Can Be Prototyped”: “Creativity is the life force of the universe,” says Jeremy Moon, the CEO and founder of Icebreaker Clothing, “and my passion is unlocking the creativity in business.” He []


Meet TEDGlobal guest host Pat Mitchell: A short Q&A


We’re welcoming two guest hosts to TEDGlobal 2011 — Pat Mitchell, from the Paley Center for Media, who hosts Session 8, and Matt Ridley, whose 2010 TEDTalk was memorably titled “When Ideas Have Sex,” and who’ll be hosting Session 5. We asked both hosts a few questions about their plans for their session of TED. []


Fellows Friday with Viraj Puri


New York restaurants and grocers scramble to get their hands on fresh, local produce. So what could be better than veggies grown right in the city? On a rooftop in Brooklyn, Viraj Puri runs Gotham Greens, a hydroponic greenhouse that cultivates delicious, fresh produce — using a fraction of the water and space needed for []


TEDTalks at 5: Speakers tell their stories

on video exists to celebrate great speakers, thinkers, doers — people with ideas that are passionately held and clearly put. For our speakers, putting their videos online has, in many cases, amplified their work beyond imagination, provoking new connections and directions to their careers and even their lives. As we approached the fifth anniversary of []


Fellows Friday with Sean Gourley


Sean Gourley analyzed real-time data from the Iraq war and discovered a precise mathematical model underlying it. Now he’s expanding on that research at Quid, his startup that maps trends in technology. Having unearthed such powerful information, Sean takes time to help kids understand the importance of math, even while he grapples with the eternal []