Search Results for: ted+prize

TED Prize

YouTube takeover: James Nachtwey's video playlist


From the TED Prize blog: Today, James Nachtwey is the guest editor of the YouTube homepage. Along with the video of his photographs of XDR-TB and a special message from James to YouTube users, James has “selected compelling examples from other YouTube users that exhibit the power of film to relate a story and spread []

TED Prize

To stop XDR-TB, cure TB. To stop TB, cure poverty.


A powerful idea from the unveiling of James Nachtwey’s photos of the XDR-TB epidemic on Friday night in New York City: During the Q&A session with some TB experts and activists, an audience member asked: “We’re talking about XDR-TB, but what about regular TB? What are we doing to cure that?” Dr. Marcos Espinal of []

See the photographs in LA today and this week


All around Los Angeles this week, Phantom Galleries LA has arranged screenings of James Nachtwey’s photographs of the XDR-TB epidemic. Here’s the full schedule, starting with two showings today, October 5, in downtown LA and in Long Beach: Sunday, October 5, 2008: Elevate Film Festival Nokia Theater at LA Live Downtown Los Angeles 2pm-8pm University []

TED Prize

James Nachtwey's wish and video in Portuguese


Marconi Pereira, who blogs in Portuguese at BLOG OM — Orientação Mediúnica, has captioned James Nachtwey’s TEDTalk in Portuguese. This TEDTalk includes the full XDR-TB slideshow, as well as inspiring excerpts from James’ original TED Prize acceptance speech, where he talks about what drives him to make change through photography. Many, many thanks, Marconi! To []

TED Prize

Obama and McCain make statements on TB


Spurred by James Nachtwey’s powerful photographs and, the two major US presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, released statements yesterday detailing their plans for fighting TB. From John McCain’s statement: As President, I will ensure that treatment and prevention programs are funded at levels befitting a wealthy and great nation. I will have []

TED Prize

Join GOOD Magazine's Project 012: Once Upon a School


As part of its new Education Issue, GOOD Magazine is holding an open call for new projects that answer the question: How can you help local public-school children? You can browse some project ideas on GOOD’s website, and submit your own great idea for helping local schools. Then take the next step with your project []

TED Prize

To do this weekend: Vote for Architecture for Humanity


Via Treehugger: The Members Project, from American Express, is a contest to support worthy projects from a $2.5 million fund. 2006 TED Prize winner Cameron Sinclair, of Architecture for Humanity, has submitted a project to help build sustainable livelihoods for artisans in Southeast Asia: a locally driven social venture that creates an alliance of textile []

Prototype: Scope, a camera for kids


Inspired by James Nachtwey’s TED Prize wish, designer Bas Groenendaal shares this prototype camera with TED. The Scope camera has a fresh look and a singular purpose, he says: to be used as a therapeutic instrument for underprivileged children, e.g. children living in (former) warzones. Children can take photographs and self-portraits in order to rediscover []

Africa's brain drain may have hidden benefits


Each year, untold numbers of bright young Africans — doctors and nurses, scientists and programmers — leave their home countries to live and work abroad. This continental “brain drain” has the predictable effect: Many experts believe the flight of health workers, scientists, and teachers hinder the continent’s development. “It will be impossible to achieve an []


NextEinstein is recruiting a CEO


Via the TED Prize blog, over on If you’d like to lead an incredible drive to build math and science academies all over Africa — and help find the next Einstein — take a look at this want ad: The Next Einstein Initiative (NEI) is building a network of postgraduate centres of excellence for []


Scientist at Work: Paying a Visit to E.O. Wilson


To reach Edward O. Wilson’s office on the Harvard campus, one must first push through a door with a sign warning the public not to enter. Then, enter a creaky old elevator and press two buttons simultaneously. This counterintuitive procedure transports one into a strange realm. It is a space that holds the world’s largest []

TED Prize

Inspiring stories from students at AIMS


From the TED Prize blog: More AIMS Student Talks: Be inspired by the stories of current and former AIMS students — young Africans whose lives have been changed through access to a top-notch scientific education at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Every two weeks, the TED Prize team uploads three talks from the May []

News from Isabel Allende's 3 powerful women


Isabel Allende writes novels about self-reliant women who thrive in the midst of political turmoil. In her passionate TEDTalk, Allende praises women whose grit and selflessness transform the meaning of modern feminism — mentioning, in particular, three women of rare courage: Wangari Maathai, Somaly Mam and Rose Mapendo. Watch Isabel Allende’s TEDTalk, then read what []