Search Results for: education


Join TED Conversations about youth


As we approach TEDxYouthDay alongside our very first TEDYouth event, we’re curious to hear what you have to say about all things youth-related. Each week until the last day of TEDxYouthDay, a youth-related question will be asked on TED Conversations. We invite you to sign up or log-in using your account and jump in []

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Daniel Zoughbie


With Microclinic International, Daniel Zoughbie is making health contagious, and believes that it’s critical to peace and stability in the Middle East. Microclinic International has a unique philosophy of “contagious health.” What does that mean? Common sense tells us that negative things like violence, smoking behaviors and unhealthy eating habits are socially contagious: they spread []

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Eric Berlow


Positive feedback loops can be found in even the messiest conflicts, ecosystems and corporations, according to Eric Berlow. The trick, he tells TED, is to not confuse the means with the ends. Interactive Fellows Friday Feature: Join the conversation by answering Fellows’ weekly questions via Facebook. This week, Eric asks: Instead of narrow specialization, how []

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Robert Gupta


LA Philharmonic violinist Robert Gupta performs for the homeless and mentally ill. In this interview, he discusses his experiences with the awesome healing power of music. Interactive Fellows Friday Feature: Join the conversation by answering Fellows’ weekly questions via Facebook. This week, Robert asks: With the advent of amazing online videos, why are we still []


Playlist: To infinity and beyond


(TED is on its annual two-week vacation. During the break, we’re posting playlists from the TEDTalks archive. We’ll be back with new talks Monday!) The wonderful thing about the universe is not just how big it is, but how every time we look into it we find something new and extraordinary. Here are four talks []


Spreading TED-Ed at TEDGlobal


TED-Ed is a new initiative to build a deep, tagged archive of educational videos — expanding the reach and power of great video (including TEDTalks) into the classroom by making them easier for teachers to find. Above, TEDsters use BlackBerry PlayBooks to watch and tag educational videos in the Café at TEDGlobal 2011; below, TED-Ed’s []

“Creativity is the life force of the universe”: Report from Session 2 of TED University


Nathalie Miebach, TEDGlobal Fellow, artist, speaking at TED University during TEDGlobal 2011, July 12, 2011. Photo: James Duncan Davidson / TED Jeremy Moon, “Anything Can Be Prototyped”: “Creativity is the life force of the universe,” says Jeremy Moon, the CEO and founder of Icebreaker Clothing, “and my passion is unlocking the creativity in business.” He []


TEDTalks at 5: Speakers tell their stories

on video exists to celebrate great speakers, thinkers, doers — people with ideas that are passionately held and clearly put. For our speakers, putting their videos online has, in many cases, amplified their work beyond imagination, provoking new connections and directions to their careers and even their lives. As we approached the fifth anniversary of []


The 20 most-watched TEDTalks (so far)


Today, on the fifth birthday of TEDTalks video, we’re releasing a new list of the 20 most-watched TEDTalks over the past five years — as watched on all the platforms we track:, YouTube, iTunes, embed and download, Hulu and more … What a great, mixed-up group this is! Talks about education and creativity, sex []


“Organizing a #TEDTalk video night …”


Yesterday, Twitter user @ademoor wrote: Thinking of organizing a #TEDtalk video night w/ some friends. What’s your absolute favorite must-see talk? Great question! We RT’ed on @TEDNews. And the replies are worth sharing: @WackyFiasco: I really appreciated Dan Gilbert’s talk on happiness … @ozteethtweet: hans rosling, can’t get enough, all the world’s problems explained with []


Fellows Friday with Rose Shuman


Rose Shuman designed Question Box to spread the benefits of the Internet in the developing world. At the push of a button, villagers could get answers to any query — from banana plant viruses to HIV/AIDS — in their local language. Now Rose is building software to scale the model and track callers’ question trends []


Beauty/Complexity: The TED Salon in London


Welcoming a Unicorn Theatre jammed with 250 TEDsters old and new, host and TED’s European director Bruno Giussani promised “possibly one of the most eclectic programs we’ve ever put together” on Wednesday night in London at the spring TED Salon. The Salon was hosted in collaboration with TEDGlobal partner frog. And eclectic it was, covering []


Fellows Friday with Gautam John


Once an Intellectual Property lawyer that guarded knowledge, Gautam John is now dedicated to radically improving access to information. From open-source children’s books to collecting and analyzing school performance data, Gautam works to bring systemic change to India’s education system through a freer flow of information. Interactive Fellows Friday Feature! Join the conversation by answering []

Live from TED

Creativity and computers in math: Q&A with Conrad Wolfram


In his talk at TEDGlobal 2010, Conrad Wolfram championed a radical new way of teaching mathematics: removing the notion that math is the same as calculating, and completely redesigning the curriculum around the new possibilities opened by computers. He’s now launched a website to collect ideas, and in November he will be hosting The Computer []