Search Results for: education

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Rye Barcott


While training for the military, Rye Barcott took leave to study ethnic conflict by living in Kibera, Kenya’s largest slum. Inspired by community-led initiatives there, Rye co-founded the non-profit Carolina for Kibera to support the projects. His newly released book, It Happened on the Way to War: A Marine’s Path to Peace chronicles his journey []

Live from TED

TEDActive Projects: Join the conversation!


In February at TEDActive 2011, the TEDActive Projects were launched. Five teams came together to explore, collaborate and act on five vital issues: education, mobility, sustainability, social networks and travel, sharing ideas about how to create attitude shifts that might produce positive change. Now we’re taking those crowd-sourced solutions up a notch, and asking our []


50 years of human spaceflight: A TEDTalks playlist


Fifty years ago, April 12, 1961, was one of the most extraordinary moments in human history: a spacecraft carried a passenger, Yuri Gagarin, into space, and back again safely. It’s probably impossible to overstate the magnitude of that achievement, or the repercussions it would have. To give some context, here are three TEDTalks on the []


TED is nominated for 5 Webbies. You can vote!


We’re happy to announce that TED has been nominated for five Webby Awards this year, four for and one for TEDTalks. (And we’re thrilled to be in such excellent company too.) Between today and April 28, you can vote for TED in the People’s Voice voting campaign. Sign in here using your Facebook profile, []

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Sarah Jane Pell


Sarah Jane Pell is making preparations to live in the ocean. That’s right, under the sea — but not until after a jaunt to the Arctic. Never one to be satisfied with the ordinary, Sarah Jane founded the Aquabatics Research Team Initiative to explore water choreography, technology, and human behavior as works of live art. []

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Apurv Mishra


Since he was 11 years old, Apurv Mishra has been accelerating change. Inventor of the Glabenator, a device that helps paralysis victims communicate, Apurv is dedicated to helping pioneers connect and work more efficiently. Today, Apurv is thrilled to launch, a platform that maps the state of innovation across the world. Interactive Fellows Friday []


Global health, mutual survival: Fellows Friday with Alanna Shaikh


Today, infectious diseases race across the world, and one country’s health problem can affect the entire global economy. For these and other reasons, Alanna Shaikh says global health is a matter of “mutual survival.” While working her day job at an international aid organization, Alanna moonlights as a (refreshingly frank) blogger on international aid … []

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with Neha Gupta


Founder of EachOneTeachOne, Neha Gupta helps Facebook users spend their online time tutoring students in need. Neha has a history of using IT for social good, including helping develop a smart phone app that provides live video streaming during 911 calls. In the future, Neha hopes to spread the power of technology by training women []

Enter Coffee Common


[vimeo w=525&h=294] TED2011 marks the debut of Coffee Common, a really cool consortium of coffee roasters — competitors, in one sense, but united by a shared goal: to educate people about great coffee. And it’s not just a taste thing, says Stephen Morrissey, a champion of Coffee Common (and himself the 2008 World Barista []

TED Prize

Jamie Oliver: One year later, five major announcements


“One year ago, the incomparable Jamie Olive came to TED and made a wish that kids should be taught what healthy food was. That families would start cooking again. And that people everywhere would join the fight against obesity.” Chris Anderson just said these words onstage at TED, to introduce Jamie Oliver. Who comes to []


Join the TED-ED Brain Trust


Every minute, 300 new learners are born into this world. How can TED play a role in enriching their education? We need your help to answer this question. In a few weeks, TED will be launching an online forum. We’re calling it the TED-ED Brain Trust. We’re seeking the expertise of visionary educators, students, organizations, []

TED Fellows

Fellows Friday with VK Madhavan


With the non-profit Chirag, VK Madhavan tackles development issues in the Himalayas by helping recharge springs, attracting IT business, setting up cooperatives, and more. True to TED’s interdisciplinary nature, this Senior Fellow integrates interests as broad as traditional weather forecasting and mobile phone technology into his perspectives and work. Interactive Fellows Friday Feature! Join the []