Tags > Ajit Narayanan

Stories for "Ajit Narayanan"

Empowering autistic children: Ajit Narayanan at TED2013

Empowering autistic children: Ajit Narayanan at TED2013


Hailing from the Talent Search salon in Bangalore, Ajit Narayanan is here to tell us about his work helping autistic children to communicate. One of the challenges that faces those working in this field: People with autism can sometimes find it difficult to understand abstraction or symbolism–and therefore they struggle with language. Much contemporary therapy involves the use []

Coded Meaning: Speakers in Session 8 at TED2013

Coded Meaning: Speakers in Session 8 at TED2013


Communication in 2013 looks so different from what it ever has before. Will technology be the ruin of all that is good and true in language? We don’t think so. The speakers in this session explore how the future will bring even greater shifts in how we communicate — and it may well be for []