Tags > Ben Goldacre

Stories for "Ben Goldacre"

4 TED Talks that make the case for open science in health care

4 TED Talks that make the case for open science in health care


Sometimes it seems as if the Internet has created a bold new era of openness. But if there is one place where openness appears to be lagging, it would be scientific research. The scientific community is full of intricate (and often little-known) systems that regulate and control it, sometimes to great purpose, but sometimes to its []

TEDWeekends explores the truth about medical studies

TEDWeekends explores the truth about medical studies


At TEDMED 2012, Ben Goldacre shared a startling reality: that doctors are not able to read all the studies conducted on a pharmaceutical before prescribing it to their patients. This is because of a bias in medical research toward positive results – while one study confirming a drug’s effectiveness may be published, the results of []

Two small steps forward in the fight for open medical data

Two small steps forward in the fight for open medical data


In his recent TEDTalk, “What doctors don’t know about the drugs they prescribe,” Ben Goldacre sounded a warning about the vast numbers of pharmaceutical studies that go unpublished. “Positive findings are about twice as likely to be published as negative findings,” said Goldacre, noting that this is a big problem because it means doctors are []