Search Results for: ted+prize

4 inspiring kids imagine the future of learning

4 inspiring kids imagine the future of learning


After more than 13 years of research convinced him that children have the ability to learn almost anything on their own, 2013 TED Prize winner Sugata Mitra aspires to shape the future of learning by building a School in the Cloud, helping kids “tap into their innate sense of wonder.” In the spirit of Mitra’s []

Sugata Mitra shares his 5 favorite talks about education

Sugata Mitra shares his 5 favorite talks about education


Sugata Mitra’s bold efforts towards advancing learning earned him the first-ever $1 million dollar TED Prize. At TED2013, Sugata asked the global TED community to make his dream come true by helping him build a “School in the Cloud,” where kids can tap into their innate sense of wonder and work together. Since Sugata is []

Sugata Mitra’s talk, in cartoon form

Sugata Mitra’s talk, in cartoon form


Many of you have already watched Sugata Mitra’s TED Prize talk, posted on earlier today, calling for the building of the School in the Cloud. Others of you may have read our written recap of his talk. And now we get the talk, rendered by an artist, cartoon-style. This visualization of Mitra’s talk was []

When education is not a given: 10 inspiring talks

When education is not a given: 10 inspiring talks


From age 6 through age 11, Shabana Basij-Rasikh risked her life to go to school. The Taliban had banned girls in Afghanistan from studying at universities and other educational institutions and, thus, Basij-Rasikh dressed as a boy, posing as an escort for her older sister. Together, the two would place their books in grocery bags []

8 highly unusual schools

8 highly unusual schools


At TEDGlobal, educator Eddie Obeng highlighted a disconcerting thought — that the answers we learned in school aren’t necessarily true anymore. “This is what happened to us in the 21st century — someone changed the rules about how our world works,” says Obeng in this energetic talk. “The way to successfully run a business, an []