Tags > Emotions

Stories for "emotions"

Toward tech that can understand how we’re feeling: Rana el Kaliouby speaks at TEDWomen 2015

Toward tech that can understand how we’re feeling: Rana el Kaliouby speaks at TEDWomen 2015


Most human beings can tell the difference between a smirk and a smile. Our computers and devices, however? Not so much. Fifteen years ago, Rana el Kaliouby left her home in Egypt to study computer science at Cambridge. With her husband at home, she found herself homesick. “I realized I was spending more hours with my laptop than any other human,” she []

9 memorable, manic moments of jealousy in literature

9 memorable, manic moments of jealousy in literature


“When we feel jealous, we tell ourselves a story. We tell ourselves a story about other people’s lives,” says Parul Sehgal, an editor for The New York Times Book Review, in her TED Talk, a poetic meditation on an oft-resented emotion. “These stories make us feel terrible because they are designed to make us feel []