Tags > James Patten

Stories for "James Patten"

A biologist, an engineer, a designer and a musical robot builder walk into a room. Not a joke; it’s their office

A biologist, an engineer, a designer and a musical robot builder walk into a room. Not a joke; it’s their office


Listen to too much talk about innovation, and before long you’re bound to hear someone utter the “cross” word. It might be followed by “fertilization,” maybe “pollination,” perhaps even “disciplinary,” but the sharing of ideas with unlike-minded people is a hot topic, the holy grail of wannabe world-changers. After all, the thinking goes, working with []

TED Fellow helped Björk create 30-foot harp for Biophilia tour

TED Fellow helped Björk create 30-foot harp for Biophilia tour


Björk commissioned some truly unusual instruments for her Biophilia tour, which is headed to Paris next in 2013. The Icelandic songstress, who revealed her favorite TED Talks earlier this month, shares the stage with a sharpsicord, a gameleste and a musical Tesla coil. But perhaps the most dramatic instrument is a gravity harp, which stands 30-feet []