Tags > Jinsop Lee

Stories for "Jinsop Lee"

The 5-senses showdown: How to grade your experiences

The 5-senses showdown: How to grade your experiences


Sight. Sound. Touch. Taste. Smell. We all know the five senses by heart and yet, points out designer Jinsop Lee in today’s talk, few products and experiences tick all five. And thus he created “5 senses graphs” to grade objects on how well they play to each of our assorted senses on a scale of []

Why is sex so damn good? Jinsop Lee at TED2013

Why is sex so damn good? Jinsop Lee at TED2013


Jinsop Lee is here at TED to ask a very important question: Why is sex so damn good? The audience laughs, but the playful designer is making a serious point. Great sex, and great design, is about the five senses and how and when we use them. Lee tells us the story of a university challenge []

Create!: The speakers in Session 6 at TED2013

Create!: The speakers in Session 6 at TED2013


Once you dream, you have to do. The speakers in Session 6 have spent their careers giving form to ideas. They are makers, builders, artists and implementers — all with fascinating ideas about what it means to be a creative person. The speakers who appeared in this session. Click on their name to read a []