Tags > Leadership

Stories for "leadership"

How Simon Sinek’s TEDx success made him think deeply about trust

How Simon Sinek’s TEDx success made him think deeply about trust


In 2009, Simon Sinek gave the talk “How great leaders inspire action” to an audience of 50 people in a small room at TEDxPugetSound. It quickly became the second most-watched talk on TED.com. Sinek, of course, felt honored by the growing popularity of his talk—and by the opportunity to inspire people to think more deeply about []

Martin Luther King Jr. as leader: A TED Talks playlist

Martin Luther King Jr. as leader: A TED Talks playlist


Today in the United States, we’ll celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the civil rights leader. Dr. King was an activist, an orator, a thinker, and — as several recent TED Talks have pointed out — a visionary leader. These four speakers touch on ways in which King’s passionate style galvanized a movement whose time []