Tags > Stuart Firestein

Stories for "Stuart Firestein"

In praise of ignorance

In praise of ignorance


“Science, we generally are told, is a very well-ordered mechanism for understanding the world, for gaining facts, for gaining data,” biologist Stuart Firestein says in today’s TED talk. “I’d like to tell you that’s not the case.” Instead, Firestein proposes that science is really about ignorance — about seeking answers rather than collecting them. He []

Beautiful Imperfection: Speakers in Session 2 of TED2013

Beautiful Imperfection: Speakers in Session 2 of TED2013


Moving images and hidden systems — Session 2 moved into the world of the unexplored. Listen for an exploration into the secrets of cities, find out how the elusive giant squid was caught on film and hear a case for the virtue of ignorance. The speakers who appeared this session. Click their name to read []