Tags > Syed Karim

Stories for "Syed Karim"

Protests livestreamed, the web unplugged and robotic exoskeletons engaged: A recap of session 6 of TEDGlobal 2014

Protests livestreamed, the web unplugged and robotic exoskeletons engaged: A recap of session 6 of TEDGlobal 2014


In this session, six very different speakers share how they see technology empowering people and communities worldwide. Below, recaps of these fascinating talks. At the age of twenty-three, Rodrigo Baggio was already a successful entrepreneur when he decided: He needed a change that would make him more fulfilled, not just richer. Even then, in 1995, Baggio saw []

Empowering tech: A sneak peek of session 6 at TEDGlobal 2014

Empowering tech: A sneak peek of session 6 at TEDGlobal 2014


Technology isn’t just a nice-to-have. Across the world, it’s helping to extend rights, open up lines of communication and create new opportunities. In this session, we explore how technology can transform a variety of lives. The speakers who’ll appear in this session: The founder of the Center for Digital Inclusion, Rodrigo Baggio helps marginalized communities get []