Search Results for: ted+prize

A gallery of JR mania: The artist takes Manhattan

A gallery of JR mania: The artist takes Manhattan


TED Prize winner JR rolled into New York this weekend for the premiere of his documentary, INSIDE OUT: The People’s Art Project, at the Tribeca Film Festival. But that was far from the renegade artist’s only stop. With a photobooth truck in tow, he performed actions in Red Hook and the Rockaways, two areas hit hard by Hurricane []

A documentary about JR, and his participatory art project INSIDE OUT, to premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival


The documentary INSIDE OUT: The People’s Art Project will premiere at the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival in New York this Saturday, April 20, giving an intimate look into the courageous victories and heartrending challenges involved in creating the world’s largest participatory art project. In 2011, French street artist JR announced his TED Prize winning wish []

From the Hole in the Wall to Yale: A Q&A with Arun Chavan

From the Hole in the Wall to Yale: A Q&A with Arun Chavan


After his 6-year-old son taught himself to use a computer, 2013 TED Prize winner Sugata Mitra wanted to test the idea that kids can learn on their own, by discovery rather than formal training. So Mitra and his colleagues dug a hole in the wall near a slum in New Delhi, set up an Internet-connected []

4 inspiring kids imagine the future of learning

4 inspiring kids imagine the future of learning


After more than 13 years of research convinced him that children have the ability to learn almost anything on their own, 2013 TED Prize winner Sugata Mitra aspires to shape the future of learning by building a School in the Cloud, helping kids “tap into their innate sense of wonder.” In the spirit of Mitra’s []

Sugata Mitra shares his 5 favorite talks about education

Sugata Mitra shares his 5 favorite talks about education


Sugata Mitra’s bold efforts towards advancing learning earned him the first-ever $1 million dollar TED Prize. At TED2013, Sugata asked the global TED community to make his dream come true by helping him build a “School in the Cloud,” where kids can tap into their innate sense of wonder and work together. Since Sugata is []

Sugata Mitra’s talk, in cartoon form

Sugata Mitra’s talk, in cartoon form


Many of you have already watched Sugata Mitra’s TED Prize talk, posted on earlier today, calling for the building of the School in the Cloud. Others of you may have read our written recap of his talk. And now we get the talk, rendered by an artist, cartoon-style. This visualization of Mitra’s talk was []

8 great ideas for cities: The City 2.0 award-winners in video

8 great ideas for cities: The City 2.0 award-winners in video


As the world’s population expands toward 10 billion people within the next 50 years, urban citizens face an unprecedented opportunity to build more vibrant, just and inclusive urban centers. Because we know that cities are powered by people, and people enable change, TED responded to the rapidly changing urban landscape by granting the 2012 TED Prize to []

Revolution in <em>The Square</em>: Q&A with Jehane Noujaim

Revolution in The Square: Q&A with Jehane Noujaim


Egyptian filmmaker Jehane Noujaim won the TED Prize in 2006 with a wish to bring the world together for one day using the power of film. Her most recent work, The Square, saw her heading back to Cairo to track events in Tahrir Square as the Hosni Mubarak regime fell. While there, she filmed a group []

Encyclopedia of Life: A primer in primary colors

Encyclopedia of Life: A primer in primary colors


When biologist E.O. Wilson won the TED Prize in 2007, he wished that we all “work together to help create the key tool that we need to inspire preservation of Earth’s biodiversity.” With that, the Encyclopedia of Life began the outrageous task of cataloguing all of the Earth’s known species. Cynthia Parr spoke at TED2012 to give updates on []

JR’s posters come full circle

JR’s posters come full circle


Artist JR’s Inside Out Project has dispersed more than 100,000 stunning black-and-white posters all over the world, intended for groups to paste in their communities to draw attention to social injustice. Today, JR awoke to witness this amazing project, from a group at Les Bosquets in Montfermeil, a suburb of Paris. As JR explains on []