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Stories for "TEDxYouthDay"

TEDxYouthDay, streaming live

TEDxYouthDay, streaming live


TEDxYouthDay starts now! Today and tomorrow 100 TEDx events will participate in TEDxYouthDay, TEDx’s initiative to inspire curiosity, ignite new ideas, and empower leaders in the youth of today. Youth events will go on in 42 countries — including Egypt, Spain, India, Hong Kong, Brazil, Taiwan and the United State. You can also follow live updates on []

5 talks on making electronics fun

5 talks on making electronics fun


“I make paper interactive,” says Kate Stone in today’s talk, given at TED2013. Because this description of her work “really confuses most people,” the best way to understand it is to see it in action. So in this talk, Stone demonstrates some of her very cool creations — like a poster that can pick the []

Join TED Conversations about youth


As we approach TEDxYouthDay alongside our very first TEDYouth event, we’re curious to hear what you have to say about all things youth-related. Each week until the last day of TEDxYouthDay, a youth-related question will be asked on TED Conversations. We invite you to sign up or log-in using your TED.com account and jump in []

Get Ready for TEDxYouthDay 2011!


TEDxYouthDay is a series of TEDx events designed to empower and inspire youth and kids across the globe! TEDxYouthDay will take place all over the world from Saturday, November 19th through Monday, November 21, 2011 — all around Universal Children’s Day. For 3 days, TEDx organizers across the globe will host events for (and by) []

TEDxYouthDay is on!


[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M_FaoKxvFA] TEDxYouthDay events have begun around the world! Watch the TEDxYouthDay Livestream — or sign up for a Meetup Everywhere to watch the stream. Many events on Nov. 20, including TEDxYouth@Tokyo, TEDxYouth@HongKong, TEDxYouth@Singapore and TEDxYouth@NASA, will be collaborating through the livestream to do shout-outs and program sharing to other TEDxYouthDay events. Plus! Jim Stolze from []