Tags > World

Stories for "world"

The Big Idea: 5 ways to be a more thoughtful traveler

The Big Idea: 5 ways to be a more thoughtful traveler


There’s a difference between traveling to a place and vacationing there. Vacationing renders visions of relaxation and minimal effort, whereas traveling evokes thoughts of an adventure where Wi-Fi hotspots are few and far between. Here are some ways to think differently about the places you visit and the people you see before stepping out of []

New playlist: What does the future look like?

New playlist: What does the future look like?


TED playlists are collections of talks around a topic, built for you in a thoughtful sequence to illuminate ideas in context. This weekend, a new playlist is available: What does the future look like? It’s the question none of us is sure how to answer: What will the world look like in 20 years? And []