Tags > Young voices

Stories for "young voices"

An approach to global aid where all are treated as equals

An approach to global aid where all are treated as equals


By Lisa Katayama In a developed country where the dialogue around human rights is very charity-minded, it’s rare to find young people with visions of engaging rural farmers in developing countries as equals. That’s why Tokyo native Doga Makiura stands out. When Doga was 13, he left his home in Japan and enrolled himself in []

TED-Ed Clubs: What people are saying in the Twitterverse

TED-Ed Clubs: What people are saying in the Twitterverse


In the nearly two weeks since the launch of TED-Ed Clubs, almost 700 educators in 50+ countries have completed applications in the hopes of bringing the program into their classrooms. Meanwhile, TED-Ed’s Twitter feed saw a flurry of excitement as educators and students took to their keyboards to share their thoughts. Here, a look at what []

This 13-year-old entrepreneur is out to change the world: A Q&A with Maya Penn

This 13-year-old entrepreneur is out to change the world: A Q&A with Maya Penn


Maya Penn is a tiny, vibrant force of nature. She’s an entrepreneur, philanthropist, fashion designer, animator, blogger, writer and illustrator. She runs a budding eco-friendly fashion business and a nonprofit for environmental awareness, and her mind churns constantly with new creative projects. And we should probably mention — Maya is only 13. Maya’s story began []

This scientist has three patents pending. He also happens to be 12.

This scientist has three patents pending. He also happens to be 12.


When 12-year-old Peyton Robertson sees a problem, he is going to fix it. So when the young scientist noticed a perennial problem in his hometown of Fort Lauderdale, Florida –flooding during the region’s nasty hurricane season – he set to work building a better sandbag. Peyton’s sandbag contains an expandable polymer that’s lightweight and easy []

Kids share their dreams in these photos from Dear World

Kids share their dreams in these photos from Dear World


By Robert Fogarty of Dear World When I was 14, my dad wrote me a note. He told me to figure out what I wanted and to go for it, but also that — if I failed and felt disappointed — that he wouldn’t be; that he’d still love me. I kept this note. Periodically, I read it to be reminded. []

Time’s 30 Under 30 list includes many familiar faces

Time’s 30 Under 30 list includes many familiar faces


Last week, the editors of Time magazine published a list of 30 people under 30 who are changing the world, with the help of a panel of millennials. On the list: six teenagers and twenty-somethings with TED connections. We at TED have had youth on the brain recently. TED2013 was themed “The Young. The Wise. []

Teen entrepreneur Avani Singh: “You can make a difference”

Teen entrepreneur Avani Singh: “You can make a difference”


New Delhi’s streets are epic — trucks, cars, cows and, especially, bicycle rickshaws, three-wheeled carriers that can zip through traffic, pedaled by a very, very hard-working driver. Growing up in New Delhi, Avani Singh passed them every day on her way to school. And her route also passed the city’s slums. In this city of []

DJ prodigy Cole Plante: “Music is always there for you”

DJ prodigy Cole Plante: “Music is always there for you”


When Cole Plante starts to DJ, you’d never guess he’s only 17. His hands move over the mixing board with the confidence of someone older, purposefully weaving over the knobs that adjust the sounds and beats. On some of the adjustments, his grip holds a few beats, while others are so fleeting his reflex gives []