
TED2006 Speaker Line-up Unveiled

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This year’s program, just posted, has already generated a blizzard of excited emails to TED HQ. Perhaps because it includes…
+ a former US vice-president
+ a rock music icon
+ the world’s greatest aircraft engineer
+ a pastor whose book has sold more than 20m copies
+ an 11-year-old violinist
+ a Nobel laureate
+ America’s leading motivational speaker
+ and 50 more scientists, architects, musicians, creatives, techies, comedians, pundits, artists, business leaders, activists, geniuses and mavericks
…and perhaps also because our web partners Macromedia have figured out a wonderful way to show off this remarkable group of people. Check it out.

TED2006 "The Future We Will Create" is February 22-25, 2006. Looks like we will sell out earlier than any prior year, but there are still some passes available.