Contributors > Chris Anderson

Chris Anderson

New York, NY, United States

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I'm a Brit, born in a remote village in Pakistan, in 1957, and spent my early years in Pakistan, India and (pre-war, beautiful) Afghanistan, where my father worked as a missionary eye surgeon. I have two sisters—one is five years older than the other, and I'm right in the middle.

Stories by Chris Anderson:

An exciting new chapter for TED


An exciting new chapter for TED


It’s time for TED to embark on an exciting new chapter I’ve had the great good fortune to have overseen TED for the last 25 years. It’s been exhilarating, and I feel great pride in what TED has become. As the organization moves into its fifth decade and I approach (gulp) 70, I believe the []

Introducing TED’s new tagline


Introducing TED’s new tagline


To celebrate TED’s 40th anniversary, we’re ushering in a new chapter and a new tagline. For the first half of TED‘s existence, we were an annual conference, bringing together a few hundred people every year to think about Technology, Entertainment, Design and all that connected them. We discovered that this convergence sparked powerful new ideas []

Become a TED member and help build a better future


Become a TED member and help build a better future


An invitation to join a special new membership at TED. Learn more at Dear TED Friend, First of all, thank you for watching TED Talks. We’d be nothing without our global community of lifelong learners. We have something new and truly special to offer you. A membership that can take your engagement with TED []

The new-look homepage


The new-look homepage


Today, you can see’s fresh new homepage design, the visual manifestation of our ongoing work to make sure that TED remains as relevant and vital now as it was when we shared our first six talks back in 2006.

How did Nick Hanauer get onto TED’s home page?!


How did Nick Hanauer get onto TED’s home page?!


There’s a bit of a back story behind today’s TED Talk, in which Nick Hanauer issues a powerful warning to his fellow zillionaire ‘plutocrats’ that it’s time to take the inequality issue seriously, and makes the case to dramatically raise the minimum wage. Some of you may remember that two years ago there was an online spat between []

6 reasons I’m excited by our new website


6 reasons I’m excited by our new website


After an 18 month labor of love, we formally launched the new version of our website today.  Here are six things I’m proud of: 1. The team used every opportunity to engage you, our audience, in the new site’s conception, testing and rollout. So your highest priorities were our highest priorities. Beta versions of the site have been []

TED not a recipe for ‘civilisational disaster’


TED not a recipe for ‘civilisational disaster’


This morning, The Guardian published this essay written by TED’s curator, Chris Anderson, in response to a column in the paper last week. In this essay, he dives into the misconception that TED Talks oversimplify complex subjects, and explains why we as a company are dedicated to the principle that knowledge should be shared. Seven years ago when TED Talks debuted online, []

9 reasons to be excited by the new TED Books app


9 reasons to be excited by the new TED Books app


Via TED Curator Chris Anderson’s personal blog: After a couple of weeks in beta, the new TED Books app launched today on iPad and iPhone and I’m incredibly excited about it. Here’s why. 1. It brings together all of our authors in one irresistible package. 16 current titles with new ones to be released every []


Behind today’s TED-Ed launch


TED’s Curator, Chris Anderson, writes this personal note on his blog: Today marks a big new chapter in the TED story, as we unveil the first part of our TED-Ed initiative. Viewed one way, it’s just the release on YouTube of a dozen short videos created for high school students and lifelong learners. But we’re []


Welcome to our 1,000,000th Facebook fan


The warmest of warm welcomes to our millionth fan on TED’s Facebook page … and all 999,999 who came before. You’re right at the heart of the global TED community, and we really love being able to connect with you every day on Facebook. Collectively you’re an amazing army of idea spreaders. THANK YOU. — []


Enter the Ads Worth Spreading Challenge


There’s a worrying trend in online advertising. Many sites are reporting falling click-through rates — and marketers are responding by resorting to ever more aggressive ways of ambushing your attention. We’re launching an initiative to find a better way! TED’s mission is “ideas worth spreading.” You, our audience, are expert at identifying the things that []


Ocean hope at Mission Blue: A collaboration experiment comes good


How to describe what happened last week? A Galapagos sea-voyage of 100 people (including Sylvia Earle, Leonardo DiCaprio, Edward Norton, Glenn Close, Elizabeth Banks, Steve Case, Ted Waitt, Bill Joy, Jackson Browne, Damien Rice, Chevy Chase, Jean-Michel Cousteau and 30 of the world’s leading marine scientists) turned into an epic event that may have significant []