TED Blog

Twitter Snapshot: Lewis Pugh's Polar Plunge

Lewis Pugh, long-distance and cold-water swimmer, recounted his extraordinary feat of swimming across the North Pole in an effort to raise awareness for climate change. Melted ice in the Arctic afforded him the opportunity to swim 1 mile in the -1.7C water. TED Tweeters were awestruck by Pugh’s conviction and the footage of his swim alike:

Lewis Pugh: Climate change is real. We need to do something about it, right now. — tedtochina

Lewis Pugh: because of global warming, there is water at (or near) the North Pole, at least thanks to the ice breaker ship — kokoe2

Pugh wanted to swim across the North Pole to “shake the lapels of world leaders” on climate change. Have YOU ever heard of him? — ruthannharnisch

“It’s f**king freezing” – Lewis Pugh, Arctic swimmer — andrewgerrard

Lewis Pugh who swam one mile across the North Pole in freezing waters is on the stage. Female Tedsters are swooningWiredUK

We must all walk to the end of our lives, turn around and ask the question ‘what world do we want to live in?’ (LP) — iamhelenharrop