
Your weekend reading: Depression in comics, betting on the origin of the universe

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A round-up of funny, interesting and strange stories on the Internet this week:

Hyperbole and a Half’s Allie Brosh is back after a two-year hiatus, with part 2 of an illustrated account of overcoming depression. Dark and delightful. [Hyperbole and a Half]

Stephen Hawking: Questioning the universe Stephen Hawking: Questioning the universe

Even world-famous scientists have tiffs. Obviously this bet between Stephen Hawking and Neil Turok means they are just like us. [Mail & Guardian]

A Spanish foundation uses lenticular printing to show a different anti-abuse ad to people depending on their height, to convey a secret message to abused children when walking with their abusers. [Gizmodo]

Julian Baggini, on why Kierkegaard is still awesome and relevant. [Aeon] Watch his TEDx talk »

Neil Turok: My wish: Find the next Einstein in Africa Neil Turok: My wish: Find the next Einstein in Africa

Researchers observe that theta brainwaves are predictors for the ability to overcome ingrained Pavlovian biases, which could help in treating conditions like addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder. [Sci Tech Daily]

Neurohumanities: Breakthrough cross-disciplinary approach, or reductionist field? In other words: Does “how your brain is firing … tell you if something is ironic, metaphorical or meaningful”? The jury is still out. [The Nation]

A redditor projected a circle (ish) on a map of the world and observed some astonishing facts. [io9]

Benoit Mandelbrot: Fractals and the art of roughness Benoit Mandelbrot: Fractals and the art of roughness
Jim Holt reviews a new memoir about Benoît Mandelbrot, the mathematics legend who coined the word “fractal.” A story of truly infinite beauty. [NYRB] Watch Mandelbrot’s talk from 2010 on roughness »

Our friends at Science Studio, dedicated to collecting the best science video and audio on the interwebs, have launched a preview edition of their site. [Science Studio]

A lovely visualization of the number of meteorites with eyewitnesses in proportion to those recorded. []

The Cicadapocalypse is nigh as billions of cicadas return to New York for the first time in 17 years. [Gothamist]