Tags > Coffee

Stories for "coffee"

Dark roast for the daring: TEDsters play truth and dare on coffee sleeves

Dark roast for the daring: TEDsters play truth and dare on coffee sleeves


“Harumph,” one TEDster smiled. “Get into a boxing ring.” “Moonwalk into the theater,” his partner grinned back. TEDsters don’t usually communicate in commands. But in a lounge on the north side of the theater, where white cushioned couches and espresso machines gleamed over the harbor below, the Target Daring Truth Cafe has turned the latte []

What is coffee flour?

What is coffee flour?


There are a lot of great jobs at TED, but Colette Lynch and her Vancouver-based team might just have the best. They lead “food and beverage curation” for our conferences and, like our program curators, spend all year researching and prepping: sifting through food blogs, visiting farmers markets, meeting with culinary visionaries and, of course, []

Moments at Coffee Common 2012

Moments at Coffee Common 2012


[vimeo=http://vimeo.com/37882880] On Vimeo, John Giannakos shares this fun recap of the Coffee Common experience at TED2012, backstage, behind the bar and relaxing after crazy long days. (Jump to Vimeo for a list of every barista.) And see Coffee Common’s gorgeous photos on Flickr >> Photo: Brian W. Jones / Coffee Common