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February 2008

TED2008: Visual blogging


While many people at TED blog away in words and photographs, two artists — Kevin Richards and David Sibbet — are immersed in another form of conference blogging. They are the magic hands (and, given the intensity of this conference, brains) behind the TED BIG VIZ, a project to visually record and synthetize the ideas []

TED2008: What Stirs Us?


(Unedited running notes from the TED2008 conference in Monterey, California. Session ten.) Anthropologist Helen Fisher studies romantic love — its evolution, its biochemical foundations, and its importance to human society. She gave a talk at TED2006 (watch the video). Her current research is on why we fall in love and how.In the jungle of Guatemala, []

TED2008: What will tomorrow bring?


(Unedited running notes from the TED2008 conference in Monterey, California. Session nine) Jim Marggraff gives a demo of the Livescribe smartpen, which looks like a big pen but has two microphones to record sound, a speaker to play it back, a small display and the capacity to capture handwritten notes and drawings in digital form. []

TED2008: What's Out There?


(Unedited running notes from the TED2008 conference in Monterey, California. Session eight.) "What’s out there?" is the question of this session. First to try to give an answer is particle physicist Brian Cox, from the University of Manchester. He also work on the CERN‘s LHC ATLAS, part of one of the most ambitious scientific experiments []

Robert Ballard's Immersion Presents starts March 2 in Monterey Bay


From the TED stage in Monterey, explorer Robert Ballard announced that his Immersion Presents project will be running live from Monterey Bay March 2-7. Immersion Presents uses telepresence — satellite feeds and web links — to bring young kids into live research environments. In Monterey Bay, kids can explore one of the planet’s most spectacular []

TED2008: How do we create?


(Unedited running notes from the TED2008 conference in Monterey, California. Session seven.) This is about the point in the program where all the attendees start to talk about TED as an endurance sport. We’re mid-way, but it’s so intense that it feels like it has been going on for weeks… The session, on "How do []


What's your Behar factor?


Last year on the TEDBlog we asked “what’s your Starck factor?” Prior to hearing him blow the roof off of TED2007 with his spectacular meditation on design and the universe and bloop-bloop, I found it very instructive to take an inventory of Mr. Starck’s influence on my existence. In all, I found I used four []

We're cooler: Notes from TED@Aspen Day Two


Photo: Michael Brands/Aspen InstituteAs Jill Sobule pointed out from stage yesterday, “We’re cooler in Aspen.” Amazing conversations are happening here, both in person and in the huge number of bloggers and Twitterers commenting on the sessions and on the between-session action. Before the afternoon sessions, we answered another Big Question for TED@Aspen: Losing your virginity []

TED Prize launches today


The TED Prize has a brand-new homepage, where you can read all about our 2008 winners, and find out ways to start helping their wishes come true. Look here for wishes from Dave Eggers, Neil Turok, and Karen Armstrong. Take a look and start granting these wishes big enough to change the world >>

TED Prize

TED Prize 2008: Dave Eggers and Tutoring, Neil Turok and the next African Einstein, Karen Armstrong and the Charter for Compassion


(Unedited running notes from the TED2008 conference in Monterey, California. Session six – TED Prize) Every year at TED, three exceptional people are awarded the TED Prize. They each receive US$ 100’000, but that’s not the real prize: they also are granted a wish — no restrictions — that they can express in front of []

TED Prize 2008 session live now


The 2008 TED Prize winners, Dave Eggers, Neil Turok and Karen Armstrong, are on stage now at TED in Monterey, giving their speeches and expressing their wishes. The session is webcast live here (5:15pm-7:30pm, California time).


Encyclopedia of Life launches!


E.O. Wilson made this TED Prize wish in 2007: Help me build the key tool that we need to inspire preservation of Earth’s biodiversity: the Encyclopedia of Life. Today, the Encyclopedia of Life website has launched, with the first 30,000 pages, each one describing a single species, with descriptions and photos contributed by scientists and []

TED2008: Will Evil Prevail?


(Unedited running notes from the TED2008 conference in Monterey, California. Session five.) Will evil prevail? This promises to be a hard session — there will be moments that are hard to watch and listen to, looking evil right in the eye — but discussions of evil will mix with experiences of good. The best person []

Watch the new Pangea Day video here


What would it be like to see life through someone else’s eyes? Film provides that opportunity. Watch the powerful new Pangea Day trailer, on YouTube, and share with your family and friends. This film is part of Pangea Day, May 10, 2008 — a four-hour film festival happening all around the world. It grew from []

TED2008: Is beauty truth?


(Unedited running notes from the TED2008 conference in Monterey, California. Fourth session.) After music by Jill Sobule live from Aspen, and by Thomas Dolby‘s band in Monterey, the TED’s fourth session, hosted by Director of TED MediaJune Cohen, is on "What is beauty?", on the existence and the hidden meanings of beauty. Anchor speaker Nancy []