A NYC doorman, a community organizer, wannabe ape, sometimes blogger, sometimes writer, always crossword puzzle incompleter, I will ride bicycles with your papa, dance Bhangra with your mama, take you on dates that cost nada.
Stories by Big Adam:
TEDxChange, happening on April 5, is being livestreamed all over the world on TED.com and TEDxChange.org (which links to Facebook). April 5 is a Thursday, which means that you’re probably at work or school with a bunch of meetings to attend. Lucky for you, the program is only 90 minutes, and it’s worth it — […]
TEDxChange Brisbane: September 21, 2010, Brisbane Powerhouse. Photo: TEDxBrisbane / Mark Lobo TEDxChange, convened by Melinda Gates and hosted by Chris Anderson, will focus on “Big Picture” thinking around our most complex problems — and their solutions. Around the world, nearly 200 events from 66 countries will watch the livestream together. We asked some of […]
[youtube http://youtu.be/MYzO8CS3IAw%5D What is your role in solving the world’s biggest problems? Climate change, global poverty, the AIDS/HIV crisis — solving these problems will demand big thinking and unprecedented international cooperation. That’s where TEDxChange comes in. TEDxChange 2012 is a platform for sharing game-changing ideas — and the world is invited to join the conversation. […]