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Stories for "The Big Idea"

The Big Idea: 3 reasons to be kind to educators

The Big Idea: 3 reasons to be kind to educators


Any dedicated educator can tell you: A teaching job extends far beyond the hours of the school day. Molding the minds of future leaders while simultaneously ferrying them across the rapids of childhood and adolescence — and dealing with the economics of the job — is a calling not for the faint of heart. Here []

The Big Idea: 5 ways to be a more thoughtful traveler

The Big Idea: 5 ways to be a more thoughtful traveler


There’s a difference between traveling to a place and vacationing there. Vacationing renders visions of relaxation and minimal effort, whereas traveling evokes thoughts of an adventure where Wi-Fi hotspots are few and far between. Here are some ways to think differently about the places you visit and the people you see before stepping out of []

The Big Idea: Meetings, the ultimate time-suck, and how to fix them

The Big Idea: Meetings, the ultimate time-suck, and how to fix them


When great minds meet, everybody benefits. So, when meetings are good, they’re great. But if they’re bad (as most office meetings are, be honest with yourself), they’re anything but beneficial. You may say to yourself, or quietly argue to this article during your sad desk lunch: “But I am doing work. I’m sitting and talking []