TED Blog

Globality: Session 4 at TEDGlobal2012

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The world is becoming global — that’s an idea that has been around for many years now. But what effects will that have? What does it mean for the small countries? And the large ones? And just how global is it anyway? Session 4 at TEDGlobal explores these questions in politics, education, economics, and more.

In this session:

Our world is not flat, says Pankaj Ghemawat–it’s at best semi-globalized, with limited interactions between countries and economies. His talk is about the fractured nature of what appears to be a single global culture.

Read our recap of his talk >>

To research his new book, “Stealth of Nations,” Robert Neuwirth spent four years among street vendors, smugglers and “informal” import/export firms. His talk will introduce the audience to “System D,” an underground economy, parallel to the one normally talked about, that employs about half the world. Read our recap of his talk >>

What makes a great school system? To find out, Andreas Schleicher administers a test to compare student performance around the world. He’ll speak about that test, PISA, and show why it’s become one of the most influential measure of education in the world. Read our recap of his talk >>

With her consistently striking and dynamic performances, 25-year-old pianist Natasha Paremski reveals the interpretive abilities of a virtuoso, as she plays live on the TED stage. Read our impressions of this performance >>

The Hon. Alex Salmond, MSP, leads the Scottish National Party and is the First Minister of Scotland. He will be speaking on how small countries actually have an advantage in a globalized world. Read our recap of his talk >>