Search Results for: stress


Fellows Friday with Michelle Borkin


Michelle Borkin’s 3-D imaging work uses tools from astronomy to help doctors visualize patients’ hearts. She makes fluid flow visualization pop with 3-D modeling, helping everyone from geophysicists to architects see their data in new ways. You have your fingers in a lot of different pots. What are you up to these days? I’m working []

Fellows Friday with Nassim Assefi


Practicing physician Nassim Assefi gets a kick out of saving lives and celebrating life. Working on her second novel and first film, she continues to be a powerful voice in global health policy while organizing a TEDx event in Seattle. Learn her thoughts on the importance of courage, education and salsa dancing in this Fellows []

Fellows Friday with Cesar Harada


From pollution-eating robots to abstract animated films, TED Fellow Cesar Harada is involved in an ocean of projects. He was able to squeeze in this interview with TED, where he talks about architecture, his love of the sea and a special cartoon cat. What are the most important things you’re working on right now? The []

Dan Ariely asks, What is the right amount to pay bankers?


Dan Ariely’s new book, The Upside of Irrationality, debuts tomorrow — he sends us this teaser, based on research that’s described in much more detail in Chapter 1 of the new book: Recently there has been a public outcry against astronomical executive salaries. The basic public sentiment is that it seems unfair that people make []

TEDxShekhavati: Against all odds


Here’s the remarkable story behind a TEDx event held this month: Despite opposition from village elders, a swine flu outbreak and huge logistical issues, TEDxShekhavati organizer Masarat Daud pulled off an amazing event, attracting over 1,000 attendees. Daud was determined to bring TEDx to her hometown of Fatehpur, a tiny village in the Shekhavati region []


TEDIndia Session 4: Reinventing Development


Photo: Sendhil Mullainathan at TEDIndia, Session 4, “Reinventing Development,” November 6, 2009, in Mysore, India. Credit: TED / James Duncan Davidson Session 4 of TEDIndia, “Reinventing Development,” brought together some of the most innovative minds working in India’s development sector. Here’s what they told us: Sendhil Mullainathan looks at a frustrating issue in public health []

Bio-inspired body armor from a tough old fish


Via Researchers at MIT have found valuable insight into body armor by studying the African fish Polypterus senegalus. A living fossil, the fish is largely unchanged since the Cretaceous period — when its ancestors faced an ocean full of large, toothy predators. In its defense, it developed a bite-resistant “armored” skin, whose scales are []


WSF report: Looking for the Laws of Life


TED’s Matthew Trost reports from the World Science Festival‘s Sunday-afternoon session “Looking for the Laws of Life“: John Hockenberry moderated this discussion on how life works, what its prerequisites are and where else we might find it in the universe. Featuring synthetic biology expert Steven Benner, researcher and astrobiologist Maggie Turnbull and cosmologist-astrobiologist-physicist-author Paul Davies. []

WSF report: Your Biological Biography


TED’s Matthew Trost reports from this Saturday session of the World Science Festival: Nobel Prize winner and cell biologist Paul Nurse moderates a discussion between the leader of the Human Genome Project, Francis Collins, physician and geneticist James Evans, and sociologist Nikolas Rose after an introductory piece of context by Misha Angrist, who recently had []


Stroke of insight: Jill Bolte Taylor on


Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened — as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding — she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story of recovery []

TED2008: What is our place in the universe?


(Running notes from the TED2008 conference in Monterey, California. Second session.) The second session of TED2008 asks "What is our place in the universe?" and it cogently opens with a sneak preview of an amazing piece of technology under development at Microsoft: the World Wide Telescope, a powerful new web-based tool for exploring the universe []


Why can’t we grow new energy? Juan Enriquez on


Biologist and futurist Juan Enriquez talks about the potential of bioenergy. Our current energy sources — coal, oil, gas — are ultimately derived from ancient plants — they’re “concentrated sunlight.” He asks, Can we learn from that process and accelerate it? Can we get to the point where we grow our own energy as efficiently []