Search Results for: india


The Buzz: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev meditates on majestic chaos


Photo: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev at TEDIndia, Session 3, “Wonder. Wonders.” November 5, 2009, in Mysore, India. Credit: TED / James Duncan Davidson Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev‘s talk on mysticism and self-discovery captivated the imagination of TEDIndia’s viewers on Facebook and Twitter. Here’s a snapshot of what people were saying: Nice quote by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev at []


The Buzz: Pranav Mistry awakens the Sixth Sense


Photo: Pranav Mistry at TEDIndia, Session 3, “Wonder. Wonders.” November 5, 2009, in Mysore, India. Credit: TED / James Duncan Davidson The genius behind the Sixth Sense technology returned to TED to present a deeper look at his astonishing invention — and share his plans for the future. Here’s what viewers had to say on []


The Buzz: Scott Cook on mobilizing farmers


Scott Cook, founder of Intuit, explained how software that informs farmers of market prices is helping to improve the income for India’s largest profession. Viewers on Twitter and Facebook said: “Farmers alone seem forgotten. But farmers aggregated are a force.” Intuit’s Scott Cook on #TEDIndia — brainpicker Farmers report 20% higher net income using Cook’s []


The Buzz: Devdutt Pattanaik on how myths shape cultures


Mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik explained how our subjective truths shape our worldviews. The differences between Eastern and Western mythologies — whether they portray life as linear or cyclical — resonate in the beliefs and behaviors of today’s business world. Check out the reactions on Facebook and Twitter: Brilliant point on “the world v/s my world” by []


The Buzz: Hans Rosling on the rise of Asia


Hans Rosling kicked off the first session of TEDIndia speaking about Asia’s past and future life expectancy and per capita income. Using his trademark GapMinder bubble graph, he projects India and China will catch up to the US in 2048 … on July 27th, to be exact. The Twitter and Facebook audiences were impressed: Hans []


3 hours to TED and the free live feed from Day 1


The TEDIndia webstream goes live in 3 hours! Get the stream here, on the Times of India site: See the speaker list for Day 1 >> And the phone-friendly schedule >> Follow news from TEDIndia on Twitter: @TEDNews for conference procedings @TEDIndia for reports from onsite and our team around the world Above: VS []


Last full day to enter TED's short film contest


The deadline is tomorrow, Oct. 12, for TED’s first-ever short film contest. Films selected from this contest will be screened at TEDIndia in early November, for a global audience of thinkers and doers, and possibly also shared here on the TED Blog! If you’ve got a cool short film, music video, commercial, PSA or data []

New-wave campaigning for climate change


On Saturday, October 17, president Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives will conduct his national cabinet meeting … 20 feet beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean. The president and his ministers will carry out the full monty under the sea with wetsuits, compressed-air tanks and even waterproof pens and paperwork to persuade world leaders of []


Q&A with short film curator Jonathan Wells


Jonathan Wells of Flux is helping to curate TED’s first-ever short film contest, with winners to be shown at TEDIndia in November. He’s been involved in choosing shorts for TED’s onstage program for a couple of years. We asked him about curating short films — and how he ended up with this job: What qualities []


Short film contest: Great short commercials welcome


Enter your short film (30 sec to 3 mins) in our first-ever contest — with winners to be shown at TEDIndia this November, to an audience of interesting people from around the world. We’re looking for all kinds of short film: brief narratives, commercials, demos, data visualization, music videos, animations … Deadline for entry: Oct. []

Live from TEDGlobal

Lewis Pugh’s next cold-water swim: Everest


Lewis Pugh, the epic cold-water swimmer and climate-change activist, has announced his next swim: a kilometer-long lap across a glacial lake at the top of Everest, in a pond of meltwater 17,000 feet up. He told me the swim will highlight climate-change issues in two massive countries bordering Everest, China and India. With their large []


Short film contest: Deadline extended to Oct. 12


Enter your short film (30 sec to 3 mins) in our first-ever short film contest — with winners to be shown at the TEDIndia conference this November, to an audience of creative and influential people from around the world. NEW: Extended deadline for entry: Oct. 12, 2009. Get details and the brief entry form >> []